Is Coaching Necessary to Crack CLAT Exam? (Must Read)

Almost 1 lakh individuals appeared for the latest version of the CLAT entrance examination. Among these, many were able to crack the exam with the help of a good coaching centre, while many others preferred to study in the comfort of their homes. For future aspirants, the primary question is apparent – is coaching necessary to crack the CLAT exam? In this blog, we will try to find the answer to this question. So, read on!

Preparing for the CLAT exam without the support of a coaching centre isn’t impossible. Many students have worked hard and self-studied to become rank holders in this examination. However, many aspirants are not able to do it without the help of a good coaching centre. This is because of the guidance offered by the teachers there. So, if you are wondering if it is impossible to crack the CLAT exam, it depends on your preferences.

If you decide to crack the CLAT examination without any assistance from a coaching centre, you will have to keep some important things in mind. To make your CLAT preparation at home successful, here are some tips that you must follow:

If you plan to do it without coaching, you must start preparing for your CLAT entrance examination early. This way, you will be able to be ahead of your competitors. Moreover, you will be able to complete the syllabus in time. Hence, you will also get ample time to revisit the topics you have studied and practice the questions from the previous years. This makes sure that your preparation is top-notch and that you get your desired results.

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If you want to crack CLAT without coaching, you will have to make a very effective study plan. When you do, you have to ensure that you are giving equivalent time to all the subjects. Your study plan should precisely mention how much time you will spend studying, how frequently you will revise, and when you will relax and refresh.

Overplanning and setting goals that you cannot achieve will make you feel frustrated and helpless. Hence, when you are making a study plan for CLAT, it is important that your goals are realistic and achievable. This will also boost your confidence, and you will approach the remaining syllabus with more energy and positivity.

Knowing which is the right study material for CLAT syllabus is also very important. To do this, you need to scour the internet. Then, you will have to compile the necessary study material. You will find PDFs of many of the books on the internet, which are free to download. For the other books, you can either visit a nearby library, buy them from a bookstore, or buy them online. When you start preparing, you will experience the impact of using the right resources.

The CLAT question papers from previous years are also available on the internet. Aspirants must download these question papers for reference. There are many benefits to assessing these papers. Firstly, you will get an idea of the difficulty level of the Common Law Admission Test. Furthermore, you will be able to calculate whether you will be able to attempt all the questions in the given time.

As you proceed with understanding the CLAT exam syllabus, you will also have clarity about which subjects or topics you are weak at. Once you know, make up your mind to spend more time practising the questions from these sections. Sometimes, students tend to skip topics that they find challenging to comprehend. However, when a couple of questions come from these topics in the exam, they regret not putting in ample hard work during preparation. If you don’t want to be in this situation, remember to focus on improving yourself.

Learning time management skills is one of the most difficult things when you don’t join a coaching centre. When you study at home, you are not in a competitive environment. Furthermore, even if you attempt mock tests, these are not simulated as per the actual examination. In the lack of supervision, you may find yourself getting slower with each question you solve. However, having a stopwatch handy when practising will prove to be very helpful for you.

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No matter how many excellent books and study materials you have downloaded, you will only be able to enhance your preparation when you are taking notes yourself. These will not only help you remember the concept for longer tenures but also make sure that you can revise the topic quickly whenever you feel the need to.

There are some advantages that students will only get access to when they join a coaching institute for their CLAT exam preparation. These include:

 The guidance of an experienced faculty member proves to be extremely helpful for all entrance exam aspirants. These individuals have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and will make it easier for the students to understand it. Furthermore, they are available to offer students solutions to all their doubts – minor or major.

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 It is normal and common for students to feel discouraged during their preparation journey. Some aspirants also feel a loss of direction. However, at a good coaching centre for CLAT preparation, apart from the classroom sessions for syllabus completion, you will also get regular counselling and mentorship. The teachers will also ensure that you remain motivated throughout your preparation journey.

 There is also an expert team at many coaching institutes which will assess your performance based on the numerous tests conducted. If you perform poorly in any section, they will guide you with the best improvement tips. This facility has helped many aspirants get better and focus on overcoming their weaknesses.

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 When you enrol for CLAT preparation coaching at a good academy, you will also get access to the most exhaustive, top-notch, and well-organised study materials. These will include a combination of different kinds of notes and other resources. The best teachers in the law coaching field design these notes, making them a must-have for several aspirants.

That brings us to the final question – is coaching really required for CLAT exam preparation? The answer apparently depends on the students. If you are someone who likes to study from home without much interaction or disturbance, doesn’t need help with research and study materials, and has a clear idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can definitely crack the CLAT entrance examination without the help of a coaching centre. However, if you need motivation and direction, performance analysis, supervision, and guidance, you will have to start looking for a good coaching institute near you.

Whichever path you choose for your preparation, we hope that you perform exceedingly well in the examination. All the best!

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